New Week, New Challenge: Recharge in 20 Minutes

Often, we put off self-care until we have time, until we are less busy, until we have someone to help with the littles, until we have a whole day to dedicate to it, until…until…until….

Yep this is us, but as we have risen back up from taking on too much and burnout, we have really come to know that short, quick everyday things help us feel recharged and it doesn’t have to be an all-day thing. Of course, those all-day self-care things are amazing and we strive for those too…. who doesn’t want a day at thermea, but our message this week is don’t put all the self-care eggs in waiting for days like that, you can do something TODAY!

Here are our top 5 ways we RECHARGE:

  1. Move your body– somehow, some way… okay we don’t LOVE exercise, let’s be honest…. but we have come to know that sweat helps us have more energy, be more patient and feel good about our bodies. Mel has been waking up early (which is so not her fave) to show some self-love and sweat it out! Missy is setting some goals this month to try some new ways to sweat. Yoga practice is regular and good but I have my eyes set on finding some new ways to do this- stay tuned!
  2. MUSIC– I always say that music in our house normally means we are in good vibes. Mel and I both have songs that speak to us to recharge and ground us:



         Find a song that lifts you up and pump it up to remind yourself of just how awesome you are!

  1. Do something short and simple that you LOVE. For me I LOVE to read…but I have gone through phases where I have said “I don’t have time for that”. This is the sort of all or nothing thinking trap that prevents us from doing the things we love. Sure, I don’t have a day to go start to finish in a book, but 20 minutes I can find…. Nap time (I know I am lucky to still have this) or at night…. Find a time and fit a piece of your JOY activity in…. think about what it is that made you feel ALIVE…. art, exercise, creating, biking, baking….and squeeze it in because YOU matter! This summer I have been loving on Rachel Stafford’s: Only Love Today.( It is written for moms in short 3-5 page chapters. It is all about finding and leading with LOVE, something close to my heart, including tools of how to make it happen! I have been able to spend short bits reading and recharging as we go!
  2. Breathe, BE, Meditate– yep we said it…this often sounds like a big scary thing to many people. The ability to quiet your mind is not easy, but it can have tremendous health benefits both physical and mental. Don’t worry, we will be sharing tidbits with you this week from the remarkable Wendy @ Mind- Over -Matter ( and some simple free mediations for you to try! Another good place to start is with the free app: Calm Unplug

    – Social Media is fantastic but it can be a constant distraction. It also runs the risk of being a constant source of never feeling enough. Set some boundaries around social media. Maybe you take a time that is “tech free”, or make an area of your house “tech free”. I have made a conscious effort to leave my phone out of my bedroom. Often at night I’d find myself mindlessly scrolling before bed. This space is now a space for recharging and fitting in the reading and maybe even lighting a candle!

                  You can do it JOY CREW! Set some intentions to recharge this week and let us know how you are doing!

                   Your challenge this week is to do 3 activities to recharge. Keep them short and simple!

                  Be sure to check back in, and follow us on Instagram to get the mediations this week!

                       XO Missy