{WHY WE MAKE IT} is a series where we share the story behind our product. All that we make revolves around connection + tradition and is bound to come with a story of how and why it came to be!
Today we are sharing our LOVELETS
When my daughter was small, daycare drop offs were hard. When she got older, dropping her off at birthday parties was hard. Even dance class, when we were watching just on the other side of a large glass window, was difficult for {S}. She had fun after the initial separation, which was evidenced by pictures of her smiling at the birthday party, or by all of the stories she was excited to tell us at the end of daycare. But getting past the tears and the worry when it was time for us to leave was a stressful experience. Late last spring, Missy brought up the idea of parent-child attachment jewelry as a product for The Joyful Life Company. We loved the concept, but it wasn’t one of the first things we made. Then summer camp came along. Dropping {S} off on the first day, I thought we had moved past her earlier separation anxiety. I was wrong. We spent time negotiating, watching the other kids having fun, going on a tour, and meeting her amazing and super-friendly camp leaders. I really didn’t think {S} was going to stay. Then I looked down at my wrist. I was a wearing a brand-new bracelet that I had bought the week before. Missy’s voice popped into my head. I took my new bracelet off my wrist, and put it on {S}. I told her that when she wore that bracelet, it was like Mama was right there with her. After a few more alligator tears, Miss {S} walked in to the gym with all of the other kiddos, hand-in-hand with her camp counsellor. I got back to the car and called Missy, and said, ‘you were so right- we HAVE to make those bracelets!’ I’m very happy to report that {S} had a blast that week at camp. As a parent/child therapist Missy often works with anxiety and connection and has used bracelets to help ease transtions and time apart. Lovelets can help ease those hard separations, and can give our kiddos the courage to try new things. But most of all, they are a beautiful little reminder that wherever we go, our hearts are always connected.
We make things we believe in- we make things we want to use with our own kids and we make things that bring us JOY in using and in making!!!
Xo missy + mel
If you want to check out LOVELETS in our store head here: